Gery Wang delivered a speech@Polkadot Eco Tour Chongqing Station

1 min readJul 13, 2021
Gery Wang, CEO of SubGame

At the SubGame seminar, Dr. Gery Wang, CEO of SubGame, explained the concepts and operating characteristics of SubGame’s dual-platform “multi-modular platform” and “app crowd-lending platform” in a simple way. SubGame starts from the perspective of developer-friendly, and aims to build a win-win strategy of “platform”, “developer” and “user” at the same time. SubGame did in-depth research on various existing developer platforms before planning for dual platforms, including Steemit, GitHub, and crowd-loan platforms zec-zec platform, Flying, etc., combining the advantages of the above platforms to design the most developer-friendly rental module interface and a smooth crowd lending process. Using the SubGame platform, developers can not only easily find their own suitable development modules, but also the platform can help developers raise enough funds and resources to complete the entire process of product development, from testing, launch to operation. For users, through the SubGame platform, they can enjoy a complete application experience process, and truly achieve a win-win situation for the platform, developers, and users.

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SubGame is a public chain development team based on the Polkadot Para chain.